Rest assured, there are no graphic images on this page. We always warn visitors about potentially disturbing content, so you can browse safely without any surprises.
If you want to see the pictures Ian Brown of Silver Springs Equine refers to below – click here – but on the blog post below, we are only sharing what Ian wrote to go with the pictures (and video) he shares on Silver Springs Equine’s public Facebook Group.
Just hearing about the current Brumby bloodbath for the first time — and wondering why wild horses known as Brumbies in Australia are being shot 5 OR MORE times and suffering barbaric inhumane deaths? Click here.
True story!
Firstly I want to say that if there is a heaven and a hell then when Penny Sharpe’s time comes there is no doubt in my mind that she will be going downstairs on the express train!
Went for a wander today out to an area to look for the other Palomino stallion and his mob. I think I mentioned in a post not too long ago that I was planning on going out to have a look for his mob.
Off I went out to an area that we don’t go all that often. An area where the Palomino gene is quite prominent also several buckskins and quite a few greys call the area home or at least they once did call the area home. 😞
I did 18.59 km today out across the plains and through the bush in search of his mob and whoever else I could find.
I found him and his mob tucked away in the bush, an area I could have easily walked on by but something led me to where he and his mob were.
They were all dead.
Shot from above in a hail of gunfire.
Laying dead where they eventually fell.
How long did they suffer?
They were all inside the treeline so they would have all been running for their lives, running away from that terrible noise just above the canopy. Bullets would have been many, they must have been so frightened. 😔
The mob were scattered across about a 200-metre square area.
The pregnant Palomino mare lay slumped across a log, she must have been terrified as she ran from the guns.
Look at this poor pregnant mare laying slumped across the fallen tree.
The RSPCA make me sick!!
The RSPCA condone this cruel and inhumane killing. 🤬
So wrong.
I found another 32 dead brumbies on my hike. All shot dead, shot from above.
Many were pregnant mares who had at least 5 bullet holes in them. I have pics and videos I will share soon.
[You can find the pictures here.]
Horses shot in the back, stomach, bum and neck.
I don’t normally get too emotional about things but when I found the pregnant Palomino mare slumped over that log I must admit that a tear did escape and run down my cheek. 😫
Most horses I found today were inside the treeline and not out on the open plains.
A few were on the plains but most had been pushed into the treeline where they were gunned down. The reason I say this is because I’ve been told by a very reliable source that many horses were pushed into the treeline and then killed so that the general public wouldn’t find them once the park closure was over.
It has been a cold cold winter up there so most of the dead haven’t started to decompose properly and with there being next to no dingoes anymore due to their 1080 baiting program expect a stench in the air this summer, yuk I know but what do NPWS [National Parks & Wildlife Service] care? 🤷🏼♂️
I will share more videos soon of mainly pregnant mares, all shot many times.
Poor brumbies
A wild horse has the same capacity to feel pain and fear as a native animal, and their lives deserve the same level of dignity and respect.
We need to find a way to protect the native animals at risk, without hunting down Brumbies with helicopters, ground shooting or hauling them to be slaughtered at knackeries.
We urge you to join us in demanding the NSW government stop this cruel cull and adopt humane, non-lethal solutions.
1. Contact the PM & the MPs responsible: Make your voice heard! Demand an end to your tax dollars being used to massacre Brumbies.
2. Sign this petition: Show the government the overwhelming public opposition to this barbaric practice. BUT hurry before it's too late.
3. Contact the RSPCA NSW: Wild horses are suffering under RSPCA NSW inaction. Take a stand. Add your voice - fill out a quick form and urge others to join you.
4. Donate: We are a volunteer-run organization relying on your support to end this cruelty. Every donation -- no matter what size -- gets us closer to our goal.
Over 534 WILD HORSES, including foals, have been shot from helicopters in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia in just 15 DAYS. And yes, even BABIES are being massacred from helicopters. DEATHS ARE NOT INSTANTANEOUS. That horrific number doesn’t include over 300...
RSPCA IGNORES THEIR OWN PROTOCOLS UDATED APRIL 4, 2024 Rest assured, there are no graphic images on this page. We always warn visitors about potentially disturbing content, so you can browse safely without any surprises. Over 534 WILD HORSES, including foals, have...
MANDATE STIPULATING 3,000 HORSES TO REMAIN IN KNP Rest assured, there are no graphic images on this page. We always warn visitors about potentially disturbing content, so you can browse safely without any surprises. THE MASSACRE BEGAN BEFORE AN ACCURATE COUNT...It’s...
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We would like to extend a special thank you to Michelle and Ian Brown of Snowy Brumby Photography Adventures for generously allowing us to use their stunning photographs of Brumbies on our website. NOTE: The copyrighted photos are used with their express written consent. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to Michelle, Ian and their team at Silver Springs Equine 2024 Inc – for their tireless dedication to Brumby rescue work.